Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Top five favorite movies

      1)      Love and basketball
2)      A thin line between love and hate
3)      2 can play that game
4)      The best man
5)      Brown sugar

My top these movies have a love interest in them. They show you how strong love really can be and also how people will go crazy over the one they love or the fight the put up to keep them. Love and basketball was about two kids that grew up together and they shared an interest in basketball. They were friends but there senior year in high school there graduation dance they realize its more. They go to college together and fell in love and broke up. in the end they find their way back to each other.  A thin line between love and hate. Rich women would never be seen with an average dude well that what she thought they get together and  she loves him but he doesn’t love her ,he wasn’t to be with an old friend from the past. She goes crazy and tries to kill him and his friends. They all have some similar story they have the love but also the action to. thats why i like them so much.


  1. I love all of those movies. Especially Love and Basketball. I've watched it a million times!

    1. i know what you mean but its just so good that it gets me everytime

  2. I guess I am showing my age. Years ago I watched "Love and Basketball." Although I like the actors who portray the two main characters, I thought the movie was a little corny. I haven't see the other movies on your list.

    1. brown sugar has a simalir but if u think that one is corny then you may not like the others...

  3. I love how you chose movies that I always see on BET haha.
